Free Guide
Traditional vs. Digital Well Intervention Planning
- 6 questions to analyze before you decide to move to the Cloud
Are you ready for Digital Solutions?
Technology is simplifying repetitive tasks and helping us to rather focus on the complex areas where your professional expertise can add great value.

This guide reviews how digital technology can be used to improve planning and execution of Well Intervention jobs using a digital end-to-end collaboration platform.
This guide includes one recent Case Study, which highlights the benefits an operator company experienced from mapping their current workflows and then designing a more collaborative digital workflow for future operations.
However, digital solutions do not fit all service- or operator companies.
Therefore, you will also get 6 questions to consider if you are thinking of moving to a digital solution.
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By using commercially available technology, the complex task of planning and executing Well Intervention jobs can be streamlined, saving significant amounts of planning time and more importantly, ensuring that every job is performed as efficiently as possible, every time.
About the author
Christoffer Sorensen has been the North Sea Business Development Manager for Stimline since 2019 and has been involved in the Well Intervention industry since 2012.
Having first started as a Coiled Tubing Field Engineer for Schlumberger, Christoffer has been involved in all stages of planning, executing and evaluating Intervention jobs both in the field and in client offices.
Christoffer’s passion for new technology and innovative solutions has seen him setting records in the North Sea and planning world
firsts in West Africa. The focus for him now is to continue to understand the challenges that Energy Companies are having and demonstrate how Stimline’s solutions are already delivering value to current customers.